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Hilleary-Magruder House looking Southwest

Prince George’s Heritage will begin a major maintenance and restoration campaign for the Hilleary-Magruder House beginning on or about March 1, 2016. Acquired and restored by Heritage in 1980, the 1742 gambrel roofed stone structure where George Washington dined with merchant/owner David Henderson, is in need of typical exterior life cycle maintenance – a new wood shingle roof; window, woodwork and masonry repairs, and paint.

The work will be performed by notable area restoration contractors: Historic Roofing Company, Inc., Mozer Works, Inc., and Federal Masonry Restoration, Inc.; and overseen and managed by arnold & arnold architects, and AEON Preservation Services. It has been financed in part by a Historic Property Grant from Prince George’s County, and a State of Maryland bond bill.

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Beginning in December of 2015, the Phase 1 investigation involved removing 3 sets of sashes to determine extent and method of restoration of those elements throughout the building.

As the work progresses over the next three months, we will post updates of the process as it unfolds. At the Hilleary-Magruder House, as with any historicĀ  site, each restoration campaign gives rise to the opportunity to review the success of the previous, and compare and apply evolved methodology with the intention of improving upon discovery and restoration technique which will ensure better understanding and the enduring preservation of this cherished National Register historic site.


Mike Arnold, RA